Be assured that I personally investigate all links provided here. Many of these sites I have done business with, or I know the owners. If you know of other resources that should be considered for inclusion, please contact me. Thank you!
Elder Care: (Good resources for caregivers.)
Fashion Ease (Special apparel for seniors.)
For care assistance in Butte County, CA: Butte County In-
Fitness, Nutrition and Weight Management:
Choose My Plate (The latest USDA food-guide program. I recommend signing up to receive daily dietary tips.) (Heart-healthy recipes, nutrition info, fitness, etc.)
My Fitness Pal (Online diet and exercise journal–apps and nutrition database. I first learned about this site from a nurse when I was in the hospital in Dec of 2013.)
President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition
General Health and Wellness:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Everyday Health (Medical info, health advice, news, tools and resources.) (heart healthy living) (good book) (How-to info on speed/race walking. One of my favorite activities!)
Supplements and Herbs (Drug Interaction Info):
Mind- (Emotional Freedom Techniques, aka EFT or “Tapping.”) (Tai-Chi, QiGong, meditation, etc.)
Insight Timer (This is a great meditation app that features thousands of free, guided meditations!) (online Yoga lessons)
Animal Health:
2nd Chance (Dr.Ron Hines. Numerous articles. An absolute wealth of knowledge about cats, dogs, birds, reptiles and exotic animals–even ferrets and monkeys!)
Udemy (Tons of classes at very reasonable rates. I have taken many myself, and I will be an instructor there in the near future!)
Miscellaneous: (Senior, child and pet care.) (Lots of short articles providing tips on just about everything!)
Sun Gazing (Lots of fun stuff!)